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Hello, Volunteers!

We have more volunteers being added all the time and a few email addresses might be missing, so if you're working with friends or a spouse, make sure they see this too! I want to thank all of you for what you're doing. I just wrapped up a meeting with area communication leaders, seven coordinating councils in the Southeast Area and Elder Millington. They are so touched be your service and your willingness to help. They compared it to the loaves and the fishes in Matt. 14:19-20; efforts are being multiplied.

Below is an email I received Tuesday about the Crisis Cleanup website. There are statistics and information about the website glitches that are pertinent to you. The website is buckling under the unprecedented number of volunteers and callers. If you have issues using it, simply don't. Log out and come back and try another time. They are doing all they can, but Crisis Cleanup is run by a small staff. So just do what you can, when you can, and when the website lets you. Thank you again for all that you are doing!

Cheyenne Martin
From: Jennifer Ete
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 1:22 PM
To: Jennifer Ete
Subject: Website Glitches and the Monday Night Report
Stake Call Center Directors, please forward this to all phone volunteers:

We brought the house down yesterday, because y'all are AMAZING!!!!

Here is an excerpt of my report about you to the Area Seventy Presidency that is sent to Elder Renlund:

Call Center Update:

The Crisis Cleanup website is struggling to catch its breath tonight. We maxed it out on volunteers/simultaneous users. We had to get the tech guys to push out updates this evening to increase its capacity for tomorrow, because we found its limits, and it kept crashing. 

As for volume, here are the current numbers tonight:

- 17.3k calls in 24 hrs
- 19k total calls (9.3k yesterday, 8k today, and 1.7k on Friday.)
- 275+ simultaneous users taking calls
- 6757 work orders created
- 4131 missed calls

We could've taken more calls, but the system couldn't handle the incoming volume either, and it kept dropping the calls right after we answered, or the website would freeze. The most the hotline has ever received in a day is about 3000, so we gave it a little heart attack. ðŸ˜...


I've been in constant contact with the Crisis Cleanup owner, and they know exactly what the problems are. Their entire tech team has been working nonstop since Saturday to create solutions and push out the updates as quickly as their fingers can type to expand the website's capacities on several levels.

If you can't get on or a feature isn't working, please take a break, have a little cookie, ask the Lord to guide the tech team to the quickest and best solutions, and have no worries. The Savior knows the willingness of our hearts, and He will take care of getting us back online. I'm not concerned at all. He trusts us, we trust Him, and I trust all of you, my sweet friends. 

Jennifer C. Ete
Virtual Call Center Director
North America Southeast Area
(225) 315-0140